Inside of my thought process.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wow! So Grateful...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
More Photo Sharing
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The wait is over. The little Taquito is at the groomer as I'm typing this. Poor little guy was TERRIFIED of the groomer! I made a crucial mistake when going to get him and forgot the pet carrier, so he rode in my lap the whole way back. I was covered in fur, so came home to change clothes after I dropped him off. The groomer was crazy busy, so he won't be done until 1pm.
Tonight in order to hide the dog from Chayce, I'm spending the evening at my parents house with Tiki. Jon and Chayce are staying together, then we'll all get together tomorrow night for gift exchange and Chayce gets his puppy then!
My favorite! Not even been edited, just played with the camera functions. WOW!
In case you were wondering what his tonsils look like... (LOL)
Monday, December 22, 2008
New Camera
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Shop, Shop, SHOP.

Today I found this sweater that I just couldn't pass up.

Friday, December 19, 2008
Rest Peacefully, Sweet Girl
As a mother, there are just no words for this. I feel hate, sorrow, disbelief and disgust in all of this. I am going to go to the site in which her remains were found, and add something to her memorial.
Here is an article:
*Rest in Peace*
2005 ~ 2008
Mint + Chocolate
I have a Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks almost daily.
The past week I've made 2 different kinds of cookies with Mint/Chocolate flavors.
1. Chocolate cookies with crushed peppermint topping
2. Sugar cookies with a peppermint patty in the center and chocolate drizzle topping.
And then, my last trip to Starbucks, I was tempted and tried their Chocolate/Mint BROWNIE.
I did some research and found a copycat recipe which you all KNOW I'll be trying. I'll probably whip some up for Christmas and take them to my family.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tonight's Sunset...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Almost done Christmas Shoppin'.
Tomorrow Chayce and his friend, Leighton, are exchanging gifts. Leighton is quite the girly-girl and has TONS of typical girly pink stuff, so I made sure her gifts was NOT pink. :) We decided to get her a Furberry! [The Yellow one, since she claims yellow to be her favorite color] They're basically a modern day scented Popple. And I can't resist, as I was a HUGE fan of Popples as a kid. [Still am...]
This one is called "Pineapple Pup".
Jon and I got our friends Korin and Jim (Leighton's parents) this! They're quite the beer drinkers, so why not?! We agreed they'd like it and we know it's something they'll use on a regular basis.
Tonight I'm going shopping for a Christmas dress. I saw a cute sweater dress at the mall the other day and am curious to see if there's any left. BUT, with it expected to be 75 degrees on Sunday and a high of 65 on Christmas, I'm not sure if I want to be sweating in a sweater dress. THEN AGAIN we'll be in church on Sunday, which is an icebox mostly. Anywhoo, whatever I decide on, I'll post it on here. Anyone else ready for Christmas to get here already?! I'm exhausted from all the hussle and bustle!
Monday, December 15, 2008
PACK PICS [12.14.08]
Happy Holidays 2008
Weekend Recap
Yes, we lost. But I had the BEST time! It was so much fun! GB was ahead the whole game then inside the 2 minute warning (4th qtr of the game) we lost it. 20 to 16 JAX. And the game-winning interception was caught by Jacksonville's very own Reggie Nelson [who Jon and I both went to High School with!] It was bittersweet, we love to see a friend of ours do so well, but hate to see my Pack lose of course... Especially to the JAGS! Blahhh...
That made my 2nd trip to Altell Stadium in JAX. Next time I will either go to Miami's stadium or Tampa Bay's. But that'll have to wait until next season of course ;)
Overall it was a great weekend. I'm just SUPER exhausted and a bit sleep deprived. Definitely headed to bed early tonight!
A week from today I bring home little Taquito! And 8 days until we exchange gifts. Chayce just can't stop talking about Santa coming to bring him a puppy... It's all he's been asking for. So I know he'll be quite happy with his little *gift*.
Friday, December 12, 2008
At Last, At Last!
Last night I got to see our new puppy (again). He's seriously the sweetest dog I've ever been around. He's timid around new people, but so friendly. We decided to take Chayce with us to see him (Chayce of course doesn't realize that Taquito/Tiki will be HIS puppy soon.) just to see how they interact. And it was unbelievable! They played together and everything. Unfortunately Taquito showed Chayce how to drink water from a puddle. EW! I see they'll be partners in crime in no time. Right now I'm looking at local groomers. Looks like I'll be bringing Taquito home between the 21st and 23rd and whatever day I get him, I want to have him professionally groomed and cleaned up. Get him all nice and pampered. Decisions, Decisions! He's just a little Chihuahua (about 6 lbs), and some of these places are RIDICULOUS and want over $75 to groom even the little dogs. WHY?! Can we say "greedy"?
We did some browsing up at the Avenue at Viera last night. And within 30 minutes we witnessed 3 crimes! CRAZY!
1. A drunk driver jumped a curb by Jon's work, and tried to toss his beer bottle out the window in the T-mobile parking lot, but of course the employees saw it all, so that guy got busted.
2. I was standing at the entry at Target, and 2 people with a cart LOADED with toys and games ran out the door. The alarms went off, they kept running. Jon chased them down but they had no tags on their car, so Jon went back inside (who knows if they had guns or something?!) they did run the security cameras and got one of the guys' faces on camera. Thank goodness! Hope they get busted!
3. (Minor) A van smashing into the back of a truck. The truck was fine. The van? Not so much. Soccer mom needs to pay attention when driving a big ol' thing like that Honda Odyssey.
Anywhoo... Tomorrow is our trip to Disney World and we JUST told Chayce about it last night. He's so excited to go to "Mickey's Castle" (as he calls it).
Chayce will be spending the day with Grandad and Granny (my parents) on Sunday when Jon and I are at the game. The weather is looking PERFECT. Mostly sunny with a high of 67. Can't ask for much better than that! His bags are packed, and my Packers jersey is waiting patiently in the closet for me to wear. Now it's just counting down the hours....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Breaking News: Caylee Anthony Case
They're saying that area wasnt searched back in June when she was reported missing, because back in June we had TONS of rain and that area was flooded. Therefore it was kind of overlooked. If they'd have simply WENT BACK once the rain receeded this issue would've been resolved back in July or August. How heartbreaking.
There is a link to Fox News: Orlando for more information.
Thankful Thursday
It's that time of week, again. Thankful Thursday!
1. Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino. Their little christmas twist on the regular mocha frappuccino is even BETTER. And I found out from the local barista that I can get one year round, just request it! They just like to promote them during the holiday season. WOO HOO!
2. SUPER Target. Not just regular Target. The SUPER target. I went grocery shopping there this week and spent about $50 less than I normall do! *gasp* Guess I know where I'll be doing all my shopping from now on.
3. Old Time Pottery: I LOVE this store. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I get 90% of my home decor there.
4. Cinnamon Scented Pinecones
5. Today's rainy, gloomy weather. Guess living in the Sunshine State isn't the best choice for someone like myself. I'd love to live somewhere where it was rainy and gloomy all the time. I love this weather for some sick reason, LOL. I guess it's because it puts me in a calming mood.
6. Disney World: Can't wait to be there!
7. I got such an AMAZING deal on our tickets for the JAX vs. GB game, and reccomend them to anyone looking for tickets of ANY kind! Check em' out!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I've converted.
WAMU has given me soooo many issues this past year, it's no wonder they're going under! So I'm taking my business elsewhere and banking with Bank of America. The people were so friendly. I just hope this experience is better than what I've went through with Washington Mutual lately! Yikes. Now, just need to find a way to get some nice checks for my checking account. I don't want those standard ones, and the options Bank of America had weren't anything that appealed to me. Hmm....
Monday, December 8, 2008
Simply Wonderful Monday
This Saturday we're going to Disney! We haven't told Chayce yet, because last time it was ALL he asked for and talked about for weeks. So we're waiting until later this week to mention it to him.
Then, of course, Saturday is the big game! I must say I'm very disappointed with my Packers this year. You put all your eggs in Aaron Rodgers' basket and all you get is an omlette full of bad cheese.
Thursday I'm meeting with Tiki's (our soon-to-be new puppy!) current owner to take Tiki to Petland and size him up to see what size clothes, collars, leashes I need. Very exciting to see him again. I may make a trip up to Orlando's animal shelter this week... Just cuz'. ;)