Last night was exciting! I got to see my sister for the first time in about 5 years. Boy, has Taylor grown up! He will be 6 at the end of this month. Him and Chayce were little partners in crime, that's for sure.
Still haven't met Theresa's husband, Ryan, yet. Poor guy was so ill after that plane ride! And, of course, sweet little Gabbi. Such a well behaved baby!
We all went out for dinner together. The kids were barely keeping their eyes open by the time we left. I don't think I crawled into bed until well after midnight, and had to wake up at 5:45, so I'm a bit sluggish this morning.
Today's news: BIG THINGS are coming soon! (And it doesn't include a bun in the oven) It's gonna be hot, that's for sure! I realize that, for once, I've figured out what I can do to put a stop to things in my life and do them the way I want. A way for my friends to stick together and have fun and not worry about anything coming in between us. I'll leave it at that. A way to relax, have fun, and be happy. Take it as you will. But this will be big. And I'm sure you will want to be a part of it! Some of you already know it's in the works, and I'm VERY excited about it. More on that in the upcoming months.