Well over the weekend I tried thinking of new 'tactics' to work with Chayce on his behavior. An idea I saw on Supernanny was the Pizza Technique. You make a pizza, cut into 4 slices, and everytime your child is naughty you remove a slice. Here's the pizza I made him...
Well, we also decided we are going to start giving Chayce "allowance". Nothing extravagant. $.50/day... UNDER STRICT CONDITIONS! He does have a chore list. Each day he has 8 'chores' to do. If he completes 6/8 chores (75%) he gets $.25 to put in his little box. If he has atleast 3/4 (75%) of his pizza slices left at the end of the day, he'll recieve another $.25. Each day he can earn up to $.50. Saturdays don't count because we're never home on Saturdays, so he can do his Pizza and chore list 6 days/week which totals a maximum of $3/week of "allowance" he earns.
On Saturdays, he can spend his allowance on whatever he wants!
We think it's a good idea because instead of saying, "Be good and on Saturday you'll get your reward", he gets to actually SEE the quarters EVERYDAY to remind him of his rewards for good behavior. As long as he's at his 75% for behavior and 'chores' (dressing himself, putting his plate in the sink, being polite, cleaning up his toys, etc.) he gets his reward money! And we don't even have to worry about the $$$ because we're using all the coins he's collected in his piggy bank! So they've already been accumulating the past year.
This started as his "snack box" but I slit a hole in it and now it's his allowance box! :)
We'll see if these techniques work. He's already lost 2 slices today. 1 for throwing his quarters at me and another for jumping on his bed (big no no!). He CAN earn them back, which he's attempting as I type this by cleaning up the blocks in the living room.
Oh yes, time for some great news! We are purchasing my wedding gown NEXT Wednesday!!! I am completely THRILLED! Those of you that have seen the gown know what it looks like, for everyone else... it's a surprise until the ceremony! Very exciting!