Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Plant Progression Update: WEEK 5

We'll technically be on Week 5 on Thursday, but I'm going to update anyways. Chayce's "wildflower" seeds have pretty much plateaued just looking like some tacky weeds, LOL. They haven't bloomed and don't look like they really will. But he's quite proud of them so we'll watch and see!

My basil is growing quite impressively. I may plant some cilantro too. I planted cilantro and basil last year and my cilantro grew outrageously while my basil didn't do so well. This year my basil is growing very nicely, so hopefully the cilantro will too! We shall see!

*Chayce's Wildflowers*

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 5

*And my basil...*

Week 3

Week 5