Had my appointment with the Eye Doctor yesterday. Basically, my vision sucks. It's about 20/50. They sent me home with contact lenses, sooooo I CAN SEE! :) I was so excited, I was reading everything today to Jon. The clocks, the calendar in the kitchen, the TV screen! Everything has been a blur to me for the longest time, and to be seeing with 20/20 today is like a breath of fresh air! I also ordered the CUTEST glasses, so I have a pair to wear early in the mornings and late at night. I'll post a picture of those as soon as they come in (about 2 wks.). I have a follow-up next Monday to make sure everything is going well with the contacts. Note to self: NEVER PUT THEM IN INVERTED THE WRONG WAY! Burns like Hell.
Soooo, today's been a good day. Our tax return FINALLY hit the bank, and I've been calling on homes in Orlando all morning. I've got 3 potential homes already lined up and we'll be going on Jon's next day off to look at homes and buy a new SUV.
The most promising home right now isn't available until May 15th, but that gives us PLENTY of time to pack, give our landlord notice and transfer all our utilities and such. That means Jon will only have to commute to Orlando (for work) for about 8 weeks. He'll most likely take a 1 wk. vacation the week we move so we can get settled in properly.
Anyways, more about the house!
It's 4 bedroom/3 bath/2 car garage
2,400 sq ft
located in Kissimmee. About a 30 min. drive for Jon.
*Sure beats the HOUR and 30 min. commute he'll do those 8 wks!*
Here's a photo!

I'll post more photos as they come available.