Since October 2007 I've been babysitting for this couple. Anyone who knows me KNOWS all about them. They neglect their kids, and it's an awkward situation for ME because I've had to try and raise them myself. At one point I was watching them from 5:45am to 6pm. They'd go home, eat dinner, go to sleep, and be back at my house the next morning.
Basically for 18 months I haven't had any time for ME. I've spent all these months caring for these 2 little girls. But now, FINALLY. It's OVER!
I'm going back to being a Stay-at-home-Mom. And still babysitting the other 2 little girls I have just a few hours a week on the side.
It also works out PERFECTLY because Jon *should* be beginning his transfer to Orlando the beginning of March.
For the first time in over a year, I can BREATHE a sigh of relief.