First of all I'm really having a tough time with Chayce turning 4. He's my only baby, and this means he'll be attending preschool this fall. But I swear we JUST had his 3rd birthday party yeterday! Where did the past year go?!
This year his birthday falls on a Friday. We can never have his party the next day (Saturday) because his birthday is the day before Independance Day. So we TRY and do his party before his birthday every year, not to interfere with people celebrating and leaving town.
Anyways, this year I'm throwing Chayce a CARNIVAL PARTY!
I'm pretty hyped about it, I've had my mind running 100mph with ideas galore! Here's some highlights I have so far!
This year his birthday falls on a Friday. We can never have his party the next day (Saturday) because his birthday is the day before Independance Day. So we TRY and do his party before his birthday every year, not to interfere with people celebrating and leaving town.
Anyways, this year I'm throwing Chayce a CARNIVAL PARTY!
I'm pretty hyped about it, I've had my mind running 100mph with ideas galore! Here's some highlights I have so far!
I drew up invitations this morning. They'll be mailed out May 10th. The party is 3 months away! WOW!

I'm making a Ticket Booth.
GAMES: [kids win tickets at the games]
-Lucky Ducks [for the little ones; each duck has a # on it. They win that # tickets]
-Balloon Pop [throw darts at balloons and win tickets]
-Feed the Tiger [classic tiger face with hole in center; toss a beanbag in the hole!]
-Hoop Shot [basketball]
-Dolphin Ring Toss [inflatable dolphin, and 3 rings to try and get around it's nose!]
-Face Painting
-Bounce House
-Prize Wall
-Candy Wall [marshmallow ropes, lollipops, cotton candy, etc]
-Popcorn boxes (like these)
And each one will have animal crackers, cracker jacks and circus peanuts inside!
-Veggie Hot dogs with Condiments
-Nachos and Nacho cheese sauce
-Popcorn Machine
-Shelled peanuts
-Veggie Hot dogs with Condiments
-Nachos and Nacho cheese sauce
-Popcorn Machine
-Shelled peanuts
-Chayce will have a small cake of his own of course to blow out candles!
....Let the Countdown begin!