So on March 1st we decided to take Miss Reese for her first grooming. I hesitated about it because buying the clippers, scissors, and being taught how to do it YOURSELF is a much better idea for such a small dog. The clippers are around $30, and just for 1 grooming was $20. But we went ahead and did it. Here's Reese AFTER her 1st grooming.

I was a bit upset when I got her. She looked like NOTHING had been done. The only visible difference to her was her nails were clipped. I paid $20 for a NAIL CLIPPING?!
So, I went out Saturday, bought the clippers.. followed an wonderful online tutorial and step-by-step video process from someone who has a Yorkie and grooms her dog herself. I did it just like the video instructed. HERE'S reese after my grooming!

I was a bit upset when I got her. She looked like NOTHING had been done. The only visible difference to her was her nails were clipped. I paid $20 for a NAIL CLIPPING?!
So, I went out Saturday, bought the clippers.. followed an wonderful online tutorial and step-by-step video process from someone who has a Yorkie and grooms her dog herself. I did it just like the video instructed. HERE'S reese after my grooming!

The whole purpose of having her groomed was for her HAIRCUT. It's hot as heck in Florida right now, she's all black, and constantly pants when she goes outside. I wanted her to have shorter hair for the summer, but no. So NOW she does and she's not as nervous because Im doing it. I think she turned out quite well. And she doesn't look as awkward in her little shirts ;)