Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MY Day of Awakening

The past 2 years in my life have been the hardest. By far. I've hit, what I believe to be, "rock bottom" in my life. More recently I've been so bitter and cold. And I'm strong enough to put it out there and admit it. I've been hurt by people close to me and have held grudges for years. Decades.

My good friend, Monie, reccomended a book for me. "A Divine Revelation of Hell"

a divine revelation of hell Pictures, Images and Photos

Sure, I know Jesus. I know God. I've spent the majority of my life in church and serving Him. But some of it was in vain. Some of it hypocritical. Not until last night when I read this wonderful book did I truly have the Fear of God instilled into my life. Not until a revelation of Hell and what is 1 of 2 possibilities for the afterlife was shown to me did I truly have a divine awakening in my spirit.

This morning I wake up refreshed.

And if you're reading this, I can only hope the same for you. This is a short easy-read book. Middle school children can comprehend the writing style. Even if you're a strong Christian (I admit I'm a weaker one. I give into too much of the worldly things.... But this is CHANGING!), I suggest reading it.

I'm so thankful for my life today. And I am truly sad for those that don't know what's to come. And those that are living their lives focused on things of the earth, hatred, GOSSIP, bitterness, fortune, other gods/idols... May they have their eyes opened. Just as I have.