Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mommy Venting

I just don't get it.

I'm SO nice to my son. He gets what he wants. I raise him to use his manners. But why does he seem to be so rebellious lately?! Just yesterday he shoved a little girl 3 times. He got in time out, got lectured.... Then did it AGAIN.

This morning he was in his "I want, I want" attitude. He demanded "I want more cereal." I made him re-phrase and ask nicely. Then he slammed his bowl of cereal on the floor, then threw his glass of water down too.


He freaked as soon as I stormed in his direction. He KNEW I was pissed. I made him clean up the mess. And now, he's sitting in the corner in his room. I'm to the point where I just want to pull my hair out. Where did I go wrong as a MOTHER for him to act this way?! He's TOTALLY different around Jon. I'm more stern with him than Jon, yet he obeys Jon better. I've never spanked the child in his life, but it sure is starting to look tempting as a last resort! NOTHING IS WORKING. WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE THIS?!

I grounded him last week. Took away TV, action figures, etc. And it worked for a few days, but the past 2 days he's back to his cranky, bullying self.